jawbone up: fitness motivation booster?

Yesterday while we were running errands, we did the unthinkable: we stopped at West Edmonton Mall. On a normal day, this would never happen – especially during the weekend of all times! – but we had to go to the Apple Store. Surprisingly, the mall wasn’t a zoo for once, however, there were a lot of Saskatchewan Roughrider fans shopping. Turns out there was an Esks game yesterday.

While the mall wasn’t a zoo, the Apple Store was busy, as usual. After much headache trying to flag down an “Apple Expert” (as opposed to an “Apple Genius”), we inquired about the Jawbone Up. There were many in size Small hanging up on display so I had no issue getting mine. (I have ridiculously small wrists!) Z on the other hand needs a Medium or Large… we aren’t quite sure yet. In the end, they didn’t have any. We even stopped at Best Buy on the way home and they were sold out too. These suckers are flying off the shelves!

Essentially, the idea behind this wristband is that you wear it 24/7 (even in the shower – it’s water resistant!) and it tracks a lot about your day. It tracks the number of steps you take in a day, you can input your food and drink into the tracker built into the app (or sync it to something like the LoseIt! app that I’ve been using on and off for the past couple of years), it tells you when you’ve been inactive for too long, it can act as an alarm clock in the morning and it even tracks your sleeping habits. I’m sure there are more features I haven’t explored yet. The wristband retails for $129.99 CDN and the app is free online.

Anyways, I did get one for myself in the color Onyx. Really, it’s just black. It seems that in Canada it is very difficult to find it in any other color even though the official site shows that it comes in eight colors and it just came out in purple – which I would’ve LOVED as purple is my favorite color. I set it up today and so far, so good. I downloaded the app to my iPhone and set up my account. The wristband is comfortable. I’m beginning to forget that it’s there.

Tonight I am going to test out the Sleep Tracker and I’m going to set up the Idle Alert. I will need it tomorrow as I don’t have any meetings or off site visits so I will be at my desk all day. A friendly reminder to get up and move can’t hurt.

I’m really hoping that this will get me motivated. I was working out regularly and eating healthy up until May when we had to travel quite a bit. I’m sure I’ll post more about it as I use it more. 🙂

I’ve also wondered how it would compare to the Nike FuelBand or the Fitbit Flex. Might have to read up on those a bit sometime.